à l'ouvrage Elyot, Thomas, The Castell of helth [...], London : Imprinted by Thomas Marshe 1572
Annexed to thinges naturall. 1.b
Ages. 10.b
and. 40.a
Ayre. 1.b.
and 12.a
Appuls. 21.a
Almondes. 22.b
Anyse seede. 25.b
Ale. 36.b
Abstinence. 55.b
Affectes of the mynde. 64.a
Autumne. 39.b
Bloud. 8.a
Beetes. 24.b
Byrdes. 30.a
Brayne exceadinge in heate. 3.b
Brayne exceadynge in colde. ibid. [i.e. 3.b]
Braine moiste. ibid. [i.e. 3.b]
Braine drie. 4.a
Brain hot & moist. ibi. [i.e. 4.a]
Brain hot & dry. ibid. [i.e. 4.a]
Brain cold & moist. 4.b
Brain cold & dry. ibid. [i.e. 4.b]
Braine sicke. 81.b
Breast sicke. 82.a
Biefe. 29.a [i.e. 28.a]
Beanes. 25.b
Breakfast. 43.a
Bludsuckers. 63.a
Bourage. 27.a
Bread. 28.b
Blacke birde. 30.b
Bustarde. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Byttour. ibid. [i.e. 30.a]
Brain of beastes. 32.a
Butter. 33.a
Biere. 36.b
By what tokens [...] the stomake [...] 73.b [i.e. 75.b]
Considerations of thinges belonging to health. 1.a
Complexions of man. 2.a
Colerike body. 2.b
Choler. 8.b
Choler naturall. 9.a
Choler unnatural. ibi. [i.e. 9.a]
Colour. 11.a
Coloure of inwarde causes. ibid. [i.e. 11.a]
Colour of outwarde causes. ibid. [i.e. 11.a]
Colour of urines. 28.b [i.e. 82.b]
Colour of heare. 11.b
Causes whereby the aire is corrupted. 12.a
Custome. 17.b
Commoditie [...] use of the qualities of meat. 18.b
Cucumbers. 19.b
Cheries. 21.a
Chestnuttes. 22.b
Capers. 23.a
Colewortes and cabages. 23.b
Cykorie. 24.a
Cheruyle. 25.a
Carettes. 26.a
Considerations in abstinence. 55.a [i.e. 55.b]
Cloves. 28.b
Cony. 29.b
Capons, hennes, and chickens. 30.a
Crane. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Cheese. 33.a
Cyder. 36.b
Confortativnes of the hert. 69.a [i.e. 69.b]
Children. 66.a [i.e. 40.a]
Counsailes against ingratitude. 46.b [i.e. 67.a]
Chaunces of fortune. 68.b
Cruditie. 69.b
Concoction. ibid. [i.e. 69.b]
Distemperature [...] sundrie qualities of meate. 18.a
Deere red and falowe. 29.b
Dates. 20.a
Ducke. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Diversitie of meates. 44.a
Digestives of choler. 59.b
Digestives of fleume. 60.a
Diet concerning sundry times of the yere. 39.b
Dominion of sundrye complexions. 70.b
Diete of sanguine persons. 72.b
Diete of cholerike persons. ibidem. [i.e. 72.b]
Diet of fleumatike persons. 65.a [i.e. 75.a]
Diete of melancholike persons. 68.a
Diet of them which be ready to fall into sickness. 79.a
Diete in tyme of pestilence. 88.a [i.e. 95]
Drinke between meates. 43.b
Drink at meales. 46.a
Digested. 55.a
Death of children. 68.a [i.e. 68.b]
Elementes. 1.b
Earth. ibidem [i.e. 1.b]
Endive. 24.b
Egges. 33.a
Exercise. 48.a.
& 50.a
Evacuacion. 54.b [i.e. 44.b]
Excrementes. ibidem [i.e. 44.b]
Fleumatike bodye. 2.b
Fyre. 1.b
Fleame. 8.a
Fleame naturall. ibi. [i.e. 8.a]
Fleame unnatural. 8.b
Fruites. 19.a
Figges. 20.a
Fenell. 25.b
Fylberdes. 22.a
Fleshe. 29.a [i.e. 28.a]
Fesant. 30.b
Feete of beastes. 32.b
Fishe. ibid. [i.e. 32.b]
Fricasiey or rubbings. 49.a
Genitors hot. 7.a [i.e. 11.a]
Genitors cold. ib. [i.e. 11.a]
Genitors moist. ib. [i.e. 11.a]
Genitours drie. ib. [i.e. 11.a]
Genitours hot and moist. 7.b
Genitours hot & drye. ibidem [i.e. 7.b]
Genitours colde and moyst. ibid. [i.e. 7.b]
Genitours colde and drie. ibid. [i.e. 7.b]
Gourdes. 19.a
Grapes. 20.b
Garlike. 26.b
Ginger. 28.a
Goose. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Gysar of byrdes. 21.b [i.e. 30.b]
Gluttony. 45.a
Gestacion. 51.b
Hart hot distempered. 4.b
Hart cold distempered. 5.a
Heart moist distempered. ibidem [i.e. 5.a]
Heart drie distempered. ibidem [i.e. 5.a]
Heart hot & moist. ibi. [i.e. 5.a]
Heart hot & drie. 5.b
Heart cold & moist. ibi. [i.e. 5.b]
Heart cold & drye. ibi. [i.e. 5.b]
Heart sicke. 81.b
Humours. 8.a
Humour superfluous. 55.a
Herbes used in potage or to eate. 22.b [i.e. 23.b]
Hare. 29.b [i.e. 28.b]
Hearon. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Hert of beastes. 32.a
Head of beastes. ibi. [i.e. 32.a]
Hasyll nuttes. 22.a
Hony. 17.b [i.e. 37.b]
Hemoroides or pyles. 36.b [i.e. 63.b]
Hevinesse or sorrowe. 66.a
Isope. 27.a
Joye. 70.a
Ire. 64. [i.e. 64.b]
Kidde. 29.b [i.e. 28]
Liver in heate distempered. 6.a
Liver cold distempered. ibidem. [i.e. 6.a]
Liver moist distempered. ibi. [i.e. 6.a]
Liver drie distempred. ibidem. [i.e. 6.a]
Liver sicke. 81.b
Lettyse. 23.b
Leekes. 27.a
Lambe. 29.a [i.e. 28.a]
Larke. 30.b
Lyvers of byrdes and beastes. 31.b [i.e. 30.b]
Lunges of beasts. ibi. [i.e. 30.b]
Letting of bloud. 61.a [i.e. 62]
Leaches or bloude suckers. 63.a
Losse of goodes. 68 b
Lacke of promocion. ibidem [i.e. 68.b]
Lassitude. 77.b.
& 78.b
Melancolike body. 3.a
Melancholy. 9.a
Melancoly natural. ib. [i.e. 9.a]
Melancoly unnaturall. ibid. [i.e. 9.a]
Membres instrumentall. 9.b
Meate and drink. 12.a [i.e. 12.b]
Meates makinge good juice ibid. [i.e. 12.b]
Meates makinge ill juice. 13.a
Meates making thicke juice. 14.a
Meates makinge choler. 13.b
Meates making fleme. ibidem. [i.e. 13.b]
Meates ingendring melancholy. 14.a
Meates hurtinge the teeth. 14.b
Meates hurtinge the eyen. ibid. [i.e. 14.b]
Meates making oppilations. 15.a
Meates windy. ib. [i.e. 15.a]
Melons. 19.b
Medlars. 22.a
Malowes. 24.b
Mutton. 29.b [i.e. 28.b]
Moderation in diete. 41.b
Meales. 24.a [i.e. 42.a]
Maces. 28.b
Members of byrdes. 31.b [i.e. 30.b]
Melte or splene. 32.a
Marow. ibi. [i.e. 32.a]
Mylke. 39.b [i.e. 35.b]
Nutmigges. 38.b [i.e. 28.b]
Navewes. 26.a
Officiall members. 9.b
Operations. 11.b [i.e. 10.b]
Olyves. 23.a
Oranges. ibidem. [i.e. 23.a]
Onions. 26.b
Order in eatinge and drinking. 45.b
Opilations what they are. 49.a [i.e. 41.a]
Obstruction or rupture. ibidem [i.e. 49.a]
Old men. ibidem [i.e. 41.a]
Ordure. 55.a
Principal members. 9.b
Partes similares. ibidem. [i.e. 9.b]
Powers natural. 10.a
Powers spiritual. ib. [i.e. 10.a]
Powers animall. ib [i.e. 10.a]
Pepons. 19.b
Peaches. 21.a
Peares. 22.a
Pourselane. 25.a
Perseleye. ibi. [i.e. 25.a]
Purgers of coler. 59.b [i.e. 60.a]
Pourgers of fleame. 90.b [i.e. 60.b]
Purgers of melancholy. ibid. [i.e. 60.b]
Preceptes of Diocles. 85.a [i.e. 92.a]
Pomegranates. 21.b
Prunes. 22.b
Peason. 25.b
Parsnepes. 26.a
Peniroyall. 27.b
Pepper. 28.a
Patridge. 30.b
Plouer. ibid. [i.e. 30.b]
Pigeons. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Particuler commodities of every purgacion. 58.b
Peculiar remedies of every humour. 72.a
Purgations by siege. 57.
and. 58.b
Quantitie of meate. 16.a
Qualitie of meate. 17.a.
and. 18.b
Quincies. 21.b
Quayles. 30.b
Raysons. 20.b
Rapes. 26.a
Radish. 26.b
Rokat. 27.b
Rosemary. ibid. [i.e. 27.b]
Replecion. 53.b
Reumes, and remedies therfore. 72.b
Sanguine body. 2.a
Stomake hot. 6.b
Stomake cold. ibid. [i.e. 6.b]
Stomake moiste. ibid. [i.e. 6.b]
Stomake drie. 7.a [i.e. 11.a]
Spirite naturall. 10.b
Spirite vitall. ibid. [i.e. 10.b]
Spirite animall. ibid. [i.e. 10.b]
Stoanes of beastes. 32.a
Sorell. 25.a
Sauge. 27.a
Stomake in the which meate is corrupted. 86.b [i.e. 93.b]
Stomacke sicke. 82.a
Slepe & watche. 47.a
Sauery. 27.b
Saffron. 28.b
Swynes fleshe. 29.a [i.e. 28.a]
Sparowes. 30.b
Shovelar. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Souper. 43.b
Sugar. 38.a
Syrope acetofe. 38.b
Springtime. 29.a [i.e. 39.a]
Sommer. 39.a
Scarifiyng. 62.b
Sicknesses [...] sundrie seasons & ages. 79.a [i.e. 79.b]
Significations of sicknesse. 81.a
Substance of urines. 83.b
Spices. 28.a
Thynges naturall. 1.a
Thinges not naturall. ibid. [i.e. 1.a]
Thinges against nature. ibid. [i.e. 1.a]
Thinges good for the head. 15.b
Thinges good for the hert. ibid. [i.e. 15.b]
Thinges good for the liver. ibid. [i.e. 15.b]
Thinges good for the lunges. ibid. [i.e. 15.b]
Thynges good for the eyes. 16.a
Thinges good for the stomacke. ibid. [i.e. 16.a]
Temperature of meates. 17.b
Turnyppes. 26.a
Thyme. 27.b
Townecresses. ibid. [i.e. 27.b]
Trypes. 31.b [i.e. 30.b]
Tong of beastes. 32.a
Time. 38.b
and. 39.b
Tymes in the day concerning meales. 42.a
Tymes appropried to every humour. 71.b
Veale. 29.b [i.e. 28.b]
Venison. ibid. [?]
Udder. 32.a
Vociferation. 25.b [i.e. 52.b]
Vomite. 56.b
Urines. 82.a
Vertue of meates. 87.a [i.e. 94.a]
Wyndes. 12.a
Walnuttes. 22.a
Woodcockes. 31.a [i.e. 30.a]
Water. 2.b. [i.e. 1.b]
& 32.b [33.b]
Wynter. 38.b
Wyne. 34.b
Whay. 36.b
Yong men. 40.b